A love story of salmon, water and family that explores this deep connection for the Lummi people.

Inundation District
In a time of rising seas, one city spent billions of dollars erecting a new waterfront district - on landfill, at sea level. Unlike other places imperiled by climate change, this community with some of the world’s largest companies was built well after scientists began warning of the threats. The city called its new neighborhood the Innovation District. Others are calling it INUNDATION DISTRICT.

Scha'nexw Elhtal'nexw Salmon People: Preserving a Way of Life
Despite wildfire smoke and a depleting fishery, Lummi families fish for sockeye salmon. The film, which explores the deep spiritual and cultural connection between the Lummi and salmon, lifts values of respect, gratitude and sharing as they are passed onto the next generation. Through the Scha'nexw Elhtal'nexw, the Salmon People, we learn that protecting salmon and this lifeway is a full-time job.

Freedom Hill
Princeville, NC sits atop wet, swampy land along the river. In the 1800s, the land was deemed uninhabitable by white people. After the Civil War, this indifference left it available for freed enslaved Africans. Once called ‘Freedom Hill,’ it was gradually established as an all Black town. But the town has been inundated with flooding...and with each flood, a little more of the small town erodes.

Fire Tender
Yurok people have been putting fire on the land since time immemorial...but this practice has been disrupted by California settlers. Catastrophic fires in the West, however, has policymakers rethinking their commitment to fire suppression. FIRE TENDER shares the work of Margo Robbins, a Yurok knowledge keeper, seeking to return practices to Yurok territory, and to restore the land and its people.
Our World
How can we protect our world? The inactions of individuals, industries and governments speak volumes when it comes to our planet and climate change. Scientists agree that humans are the cause of global warming, and the frequency of catastrophic weather events like droughts and floods is evidence that we cannot continue to consume resources at the rate we have been.
WORLD recognizes the importance of climate change, spotlighting stories of conservation from Southeast Louisiana to Aotearoa, New Zealand to the Arctic Circle. What actions, big or small, can you make today to create positive change for your community and the Earth tomorrow?
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok and join the conversation using the hashtag #OurWORLDPBS. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for exclusive filmmaker interviews and extras.
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Films & Features
Women leaders reclaim for their right to share the indigenous practice of controlled burning.
Examining the short-sighted political decisions of one American city in an era of rising seas.
Princeville, NC, once the all Black town of ‘Freedom Hill,’ faces flooding and erosion.
A Yurok knowledge keeper seeks to return fire practices, and restore land and people.
A look at the rising waters on Virginia's Eastern Shore and challenges for its residents.
In Dawson, MN, PURIS promises to revolutionize "alt-meat" and the agricultural system.
Balancing the protection of North Atlantic right whales and the livelihoods of lobstermen.
Indigenous leaders protecting our natural resources in the face of the climate crisis.
Profiles of people who are either caught up in or helped by the levers of the law.
Off the Georgia coast, two brothers grow up in an enclave of the Saltwater Geechee people.
Midwestern families deal with unseen mental health issues affecting farmers in America.
A falconer endeavors to build a bird sanctuary and provide his community opportunities.
Students Jesús, José and Fernando invent a paint that removes pollutants from the air.
Teenagers discover that activism, authority and awareness make for a steep learning curve.
Sahithi Pingali creates a project that lets anyone measure and share water quality data.
The fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change.
The fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change.
The fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change.